Tired of Doing Hard Things, Adult-Onset Food Allergies and Drive-By Motorino Conversations

Tired of Doing Hard Things, Adult-Onset Food Allergies and Drive-By Motorino Conversations

I’m listening to Taylor Swift tonight. She’s my safe place. And yes, I did just yell out the bridge to Illicit Affairs. Don’t act like you don’t know the one. “DON’T CALL ME KID, DON’T CALL ME BABY. LOOK AT THIS GODFORSAKEN MESS THAT YOU MADE ME.” Yeah, that one. Damnit, she’s good.  I need [...]

An Introvert’s Guide to Living in Italy | Tips for Avoiding Human Interaction

An Introvert’s Guide to Living in Italy | Tips for Avoiding Human Interaction

I know it might seem like I'm a social butterfly because I talk to my phone sometimes in my Instagram stories, but in the flesh, I'm a little weird. Not like WEIRD WEIRD, just a little introverted. I've always been this way. I love humanity and I love meeting people, but it needs to be [...]

Pope Francis Loves The Gays And I Love Pope Francis

Pope Francis Loves The Gays And I Love Pope Francis

I know a lot of us expats post beautiful pictures on our Instagram grids about how much we lOoOoOoove Italy and we would probably lick the dirty cobblestone in our flowery dresses and espadrilles and ROLL AROUND NAKED IN FRESH GNOCCHI if Covid wasn’t heavily floating around the country, but the truth is, Italy has a lot of work to do.

Renovating my Home in Tuscany | An Honest Update

Renovating my Home in Tuscany | An Honest Update

I would love to pretend this Italian home renovation process has been an incredibly inspirational and educational journey, sprinkled in silver linings and dipped in expensive Italian wine with a side of spicy pecorino cheese, but it's been anything but that and I REFUSE to pretend I'm over here in Tuscany living my best life. This whole house renovating thing has been really hard.